accommodation reflex การใช้
- The accommodation reflex is tested by moving the target towards the patient's nose.
- Nuclei of the optic tract are involved in smooth pursuit eye movement and the accommodation reflex, as well as REM.
- Anterior, posterior and medial pretectal nuclei inhibit pain ( indirectly ), aid in REM, and aid the accommodation reflex, respectively.
- Due to the accommodation to focus on a near object, an increase in the signal sent by cranial nerve III to the medial rectus muscles results, drawing the eyes inward; this is called the accommodation reflex.
- The word " reflex " is commonly used for many responses that involve the brain, for example the optokinetic reflex, in which the eyes automatically move to track a moving object; or the pupillary light reflex; or the accommodation reflex . talk ) 14 : 08, 22 April 2015 ( UTC)